Saturday, January 31, 2009

Photo time

I decided to create this blog so I can motivate myself to keep up with the photography. Sometimes I let the day to day get in the way, so this is my encouragement to keep shooting. I'm going to try to post once a week, which means I'll have to shoot every week, which has been tough for me lately...
So today, I hung out with my awesome photographer friend, Sean, and he let me use his Hasselblad with a polaroid back on it, only took one photo (polaroid film is on the endangered species list), here it is... 

I also did a (mini) photoshoot of Giant Squid this morning (Aaron, Bryan, Jackie and new drummer Christopher) so I will be posting some of those soon!!

OH! One exciting thing that happened recently was my photo of Giant Squid was published in the March 2009 issue of Revolver, pretty cool!

And I think they are in need of NEW photos (good thing we took a couple quick ones today) because here is the same shot, again, for Submerge Magazine, January/February 2009

Update Feb. 2 2009: The super quick shots from the 5 minute photoshoot.. ha


  1. Yay for blogs! Yay for first comments!

  2. i love the polaroid!
    and i love that you are creating!!!


  3. it is so sad about polaroid... i wish there was some way to make them change their mind.
    love ya,

  4. Damn dude - you hit the ground running. Way to go.

    In a couple of weeks I'll have something on Citroen Outlaw.

    I just bought a Citroen CX from Francis Ford Coppola.

    It smells like cigars, the driver's seat is blown out, has a greatful dead sticker, and the liscence plate frame says "i'd rather be surfing"

